nd.gov - The Official Portal for North Dakota State Government
North Dakota: Legendary. Follow the trail of legends

New Hire Information

For an officer that has never been licensed, the agency will need to conduct a psychological evaluation, physical, criminal histrory background check, sidearm qualification, and pass the "online" use of force test.  For Lake Region Graduates, the agency may use the psychological eval from the LRSC academy as long it was administered within one year from the date of hire and they will also need to complete the "online" use of force test .  After the agency receives the required informaition, you will need to go to the Attorney General's website under the Criminal Justice Resources tab, then click the ND Criminal Justice application and upload the the PFN1, PFN2, PFN3 and PFN14 forms. The sidearm qualification should be emailed to the ND POST Board Office. After August 1, 2022, the POST Board office will only accept the online use of force exam. 

For an officer that is already licensed in the State of ND, the agency will need to conduct a criminal history background check and have the officer qualify. After the agency receives the required informaition, you will need to go to the Attorney General's website under the Criminal Justice Resources tab, then click the ND Criminal Justice application and upload the the PFN2 and PFN14 forms. The sidearm qualification should be emailed to the ND POST Board Office.

Please review the Criminal History Guidelines the POST Board utilizes to determine whether or not an individual needs to make an appearance in front of the Board prior to being issued any license.These guidelines were approved by the Board at the February 19, 2014, POST Board meeting and have been in place since that time.      

 Criminal History Guidelines 

Information may vary with each officer.  Any questions please call the ND POST Board at 701-328-5500.

Changes to the Process for Peace Office Licensing, Renewals, New Employment, and Employment Termination 

As of July 1, 2019, all peace officer license applications, license renewals, new employment, and employment termination requests need to be made through the portal. This is done within the North Dakota Criminal Justice Application which is located on the North Dakota Attorney General website.